Monday, January 26, 2009

Sugar Cookies anyone?

Amber getting caught putting too many sprinkles on.....
Judge adding bright red icing to his cookies..

Jackson was more interested in playing with the camera while we decorated. Isn't he cute?

Every year we have a family tradition of making decorated sugar cookies for the holidays. Back in the days when I was super ambitious, we would have their friends over and have a sugar cookie decorating party. Jackson has especially fond memories of these parties, even though he won't admit it.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The things I love about the number 33

I have been thinking a lot lately about the number 33.. When I think of the number 33 I think of someone kind, loving, patient, sweet, lovable, humble, meek, great sense of humor, slow to anger, protective, forgives easily, has big Kissie lips that look just like mine. The number 33 always has a sweet smile just for me, whether my day is good or bad. He tutors me in math and science. Number 33 is always willing to help out with his siblings even if it means sacrificing a night out for himself on the weekends. Sometimes he picks up the slack(even when he shouldn't have to). He gets the kids where they need to go at night if I am in school and never complains about having to help. He has been known as a lot of names squishy, copper the hound dog, stormin mormon and of course Fort Zumwalt West Basketball player number 33. In case you were wondering, I am talking about my sweet Jackson. I have been pondering a lot lately about my limited time left with him. I hope I have done everything I can to teach him right and let him know how much I love him. Way to go Jackson.... I am so proud of you!!!!

Monday, January 19, 2009

This is what happens when one plays with moldable soap.....

Tonight while in the bathtub, Judge and Amber decided to play with his "moldable" soap he got from Santa in his stocking. This was the end result --a green monster. It was all fun and games until he got rinsed off ( by Amber) with freezing cold water and starting screaming bloody murder. Everyone was sent to their rooms and the party was over!!!